Days of Action
United We Read
Why It’s Important
The act of reading with a child is a loving one. When a child is read to, it allows them to learn about the world, expand their vocabulary, build their brain, and most importantly, allows them to feel loved.
Participating reading centers were specially selected based on several important factors. In certain zip codes, less than 50% of children who are eligible are enrolled in Imagination Library AND the average median income is less than $50,000 annually. We know that families in living below this threshold often struggle to afford the basics.
Here’s How You Can Help
Donate to the cause. You don’t have to volunteer to be a part of United We Read! A simple donation of $10 provides two books to help build a center’s library.
In middle-income neighborhoods, the book to child ration is 13 to 1, compared to a ratio of 1 to 300 in low-income neighborhoods. Together, we can ensure that child care centers have libraries of books available to children and their families to help address this gap.
Email Emily Ward at
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