Giving Kids an Equal Chance
Together, we can give every child in our community the skills and support they need to succeed—from kindergarten to graduation.
what we’re up against
Three out of four of Nashville’s third graders are not reading on grade level. Children who have not developed basic literacy skills by the time they enter kindergarten are three to four times more likely to drop out in later years.
Almost 18 percent of Metro Nashville Public School students did not graduate from high school in 2020. In Williamson County, 32 percent of students are not on track with their grade level.
How we can make it better
United Way of Greater Nashville serves Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Hickman, Houston, Montgomery, Robertson, Stewart and Williamson counties, and we are actively working to …”

Prepare students for kindergarten.
Early brain development helps children become lifelong learners and thriving
readers. That’s why United Way partners to ensure children have access to books through Imagination Library; to provide accessible, high-quality child care and pre-K programs through Childcare Nashville; and to deliver training and support for educators to increase the quality of early childhood education through programs like Read to Succeed.

Improve literacy rates.
Third grade is the turning point when children go from learning to read, to reading to learn. If they aren’t reading on grade-level by this point, they will likely struggle in other subjects and will continue to fall behind. Our children’s success is the greatest investment we can make in our community. Raising Readers Nashville is a collaborative community group uniting to improve the systems and structures that support Nashville’s families and young children, cultivating an environment where all children can grow the reading skills they need to thrive.

Make sure kids graduate.
Almost 20 percent of Metro Nashville Public School students aren’t graduating from high school. We are working to change that statistic by making sure every student has the skills and support they need to make it to graduation and a plan for continuing education, vocational training or career success. To do this, we support ongoing social and emotional education, provide opportunities for mentorship and guidance for the whole family, and offer meaningful tutoring programs like Raise Your Hand to ensure students receive the one-on-one support they need to succeed.
we’re seeing results
Books were distributed to young children throughout three counties to build home libraries
Students showed at least one year’s growth in key literacy and academic skills
Of preschoolers met literacy benchmarks necessary to succeed in kindergarten
Of three- and four-year-old children met social-emotional learning benchmarks
Help us give kids an equal chance
United Way partners with more than 100 agencies to make this all possible.
Learn more about our Partner Agencies on the ground.