Breaking The Cycle of Poverty

Together, we can alleviate poverty for our most vulnerable neighbors and provide clear and attainable pathways to brighter futures.

what we’re up against

Greater Nashville is thriving, but many are being left behind. Housing prices are rising rapidly, and wages are not keeping up with growth. One fifth of our neighbors are living in poverty. 30 percent of those are children.

How we can make it better

United Way of Greater Nashville serves Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Hickman, Houston, Montgomery, Robertson, Stewart and Williamson counties, and we are actively working to …

Help families increase their savings.

Whether our neighbors are in chronic financial trouble or an unexpected crisis arises, individualized counseling at the Financial Empowerment Center can help those who are struggling move toward greater financial stability. Professionally-trained financial counselors help clients work through debt, establish and improve credit, create a budget, open a bank account and save for the future, all at no cost.

Make sure our neighbors keep more of what they earn.

55 million Americans say they have nothing in their emergency savings. This means one trip to the hospital or a car or home repair could create a vicious cycle of debt that could lead to poverty or homelessness. Our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance free tax prep program returns millions of dollars back into our community each year leading to more money to use on essentials like food, rent, gas and child care.

Provide individuals with the education and training they need to get better, higher paying jobs.

To move out of poverty, people need higher paying jobs with opportunities for growth. To land these jobs, they need the right post-secondary education, training or certification. That’s the key to increasing wages and stabilizing housing in our community. SNAP E&T, along with our partner agencies, are helping individuals receive education and training to obtain a livable wage that will set them on the path toward a stable, financially secure future.

we’re seeing results


SNAP Employment & Training participants obtained an industry credential while working towards employment


Individuals were connected to higher-earning jobs to better make ends meet

$3.7 Million

In debt reduction achieved by free financial counseling clients


Individuals improved their finances

Help us break the cycle of poverty

United Way partners with more than 100 agencies to make this all possible.

Learn more about our Partner Agencies on the ground.

United We Win

These are the faces of our community.