Read to Succeed Professional Development

Please contact Elandriel Lewis with any questions.

For information on upcoming webinars, click here.

View Read to Succeed’s 2022 training summary here.

View Read to Succeed’s Family Webinar Series here.

Read to Succeed Professional Development is designed to increase equity of access to high-quality professional development for early childhood professionals and caregivers. We offer two types of trainings: weekly webinars and individual sessions. 

Weekly Webinar Series

These weekly early childhood webinars occur live on Tuesdays at noon CST via Zoom. All sessions are eligible for Tennessee Department of Human Services credit certificate. Certificates are provided after viewing the webinar and completing a reflection form via the unique Google Form link for each webinar.

Recordings of these webinars are moving to a new platform for a better user experience. Currently some are located here and some are on the new platform. The new site is still free to use but will require you to register. View our calendar of upcoming webinars.

2/11/25: Creating Worlds with Words: How What We Say Impacts Our Students | Presenter: Tamara Fyke

Our words are powerful. With our words, we can either build each other up or tear each other down. How do we communicate clearly and consistently, even about difficult matters, in order to promote and strengthen healthy relationships?

During this workshop, we will:

  • Examine our role as Caring Adults in a child’s life
  • Discuss how to encourage a Growth Mindset for students and ourselves
  • Practice reframing conversations to promote growth
  • Review communications with colleagues, families and students (bring existing work) through the lens of SEL

1-hour of TN DHS credit is available upon completion of the reflection form/quiz. United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Your TNPAL-verified director should enter documentation of attendance and participation in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenter: Tamara Fyke is a creative entrepreneur with a passion for kids, families, and urban communities. She is the creator and founder of BlueWonder Creative which focuses on children’s mental health and wellness in education through Love In A Big World and healthcare through Brav3Up. She is a leader for community programs as well as in-school support services, program development, and research. Tamara received her master’s degree in education from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development and worked at Vanderbilt’s Center for Safe & Supportive Schools. She is the editor of Building People: SEL for Kids, Families, Schools and Communities which will be re-released in June 2023, and author of Family Matters: Thriving as One which will be released in July. She is the proud mother of three grown children and resides in Nashville, TN.

About Love in a Big World: Love In A Big World is founded on the study of character traits that guide everyday student interactions and provide a unifying foundation for young minds and hearts.

1/21/25: Positive Childhood Experiences | Presenter: Tamara Fyke

Join us as we explore Positive Childhood Experiences (Bethell, 2019) and how we can integrate them into our practice on a daily basis in order to counteract ACEs and build resilience in our students. Participants will be able to examine their practice and determine how to integrate PCEs into their practice.

1-hour of TN DHS credit is available upon completion of the reflection form/quiz. United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Your TNPAL-verified director should enter documentation of attendance and participation in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenter: Tamara Fyke is a creative entrepreneur with a passion for kids, families, and urban communities. She is the creator and founder of BlueWonder Creative which focuses on children’s mental health and wellness in education through Love In A Big World and healthcare through Brav3Up. She is a leader for community programs as well as in-school support services, program development, and research. Tamara received her master’s degree in education from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development and worked at Vanderbilt’s Center for Safe & Supportive Schools. She is the editor of Building People: SEL for Kids, Families, Schools and Communities which will be re-released in June 2023, and author of Family Matters: Thriving as One which will be released in July. She is the proud mother of three grown children and resides in Nashville, TN.

About Love in a Big World: Love In A Big World is founded on the study of character traits that guide everyday student interactions and provide a unifying foundation for young minds and hearts.

10/28/24: Positive Classroom Dynamics: A Functional Approach to Challenging Behaviors | Presenter: Dr. Claire Winchester

Explore the four guiding beliefs of a function-based approach and discover practical strategies for your classroom. Engage in discussions and real-life case studies to share experiences and insights with fellow educators. This session offers an opportunity to enhance your teaching toolkit and create a positive, inclusive learning environment for your students (and less stress for you!)

1-hour of TN DHS credit is available upon completion of the reflection form/quiz. United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Your TNPAL-verified director should enter documentation of attendance and participation in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenter: Claire is an early childhood behavior coach, consultant, and researcher who works with families, schools, and organizations around the world. Her specialty is translating research into practical, everyday behavior solutions for the adults who spend the most time with young children – parents and teachers. She has over 15 years of experience working with children and families in all kinds of contexts, from babysitting to research to diagnostic assessments, and is passionate about using the breadth and depth of her experience to better the lives of children and their caregivers around the world!

About Growth Early Childhood Behavior Consulting: Growth Consulting specializes in early childhood behavior coaching for families, teachers, and organizations. Our primary objective is to optimize childhood experiences by optimizing adults’ capacity. Researchers have shown that to have the most meaningful impact for children, you maximize the capacity of the adults that spend every day with them. That’s where we come in. Bridging the research-to-practice gap, one child at a time.

10/1/24: Cultivating Trauma-Informed Classrooms | Presenter: Dr. Claire Winchester

Almost half of children in the United States have experienced a singular or on-going traumatic event. Supporting these children is becoming more and more a fact of life for early educators. This session will define what trauma is, how children respond to trauma, and what teachers can do to foster a trauma-informed approach to learning and behavior in their classroom.

1-hour of TN DHS credit is available upon completion of the reflection form/quiz. United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Your TNPAL-verified director should enter documentation of attendance and participation in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenter: Claire is an early childhood behavior coach, consultant, and researcher who works with families, schools, and organizations around the world. Her specialty is translating research into practical, everyday behavior solutions for the adults who spend the most time with young children – parents and teachers. She has over 15 years of experience working with children and families in all kinds of contexts, from babysitting to research to diagnostic assessments, and is passionate about using the breadth and depth of her experience to better the lives of children and their caregivers around the world!

About Growth Early Childhood Behavior Consulting: Growth Consulting specializes in early childhood behavior coaching for families, teachers, and organizations. Our primary objective is to optimize childhood experiences by optimizing adults’ capacity. Researchers have shown that to have the most meaningful impact for children, you maximize the capacity of the adults that spend every day with them. That’s where we come in. Bridging the research-to-practice gap, one child at a time.

9/24/24: Nashville PBS Media Literacy Workshop for 4th–12th Grades | Presenter: David Chak

This FREE 1.5-hour interactive workshop is designed for educators working with students in the 4th through 12th grade.

Educators will be given the skills they need to understand and teach the fundamentals of media literacy through fun, creative, gamified activities.

Join us and step into the role of media moguls to create compelling headlines to win their audience over….all while learning important critical thinking skills. Participants will be able to evaluate and interpret evidence in order to craft compelling news stories all while understanding the impact of word choices on audience perception and narrative.

This session does not offer TN DHS credit for TrainTN/TN PALS

About the Presenter: David Chak is the Co-Founder of Arus Academy and a Fulbright scholar hosted by Vanderbilt University. He sits on the Asian Network of News & Information Educator Advisory Council, is a grant recipient of multiple media information literacy programs in Malaysia, and a former classroom teacher.

About Nashville PBS: Nashville PBS is available free and over-the-air to nearly 2.4 million people throughout the Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky viewing area. WNPT is also available to anyone in the world through its array of NPT digital services, including, YouTube channels and the PBS app. Nashville PBS provides, through the power of traditional television and interactive digital communications, quality educational, cultural and civic experiences that address issues and concerns of the people of the Nashville region, and which thereby help improve the lives of those we serve.

Click here to view previous webinars in the archives.

Virtual Individual Sessions

These customizable sessions are designed to meet partner needs. Individual trainings can be scheduled by contacting:

Elandriel Lewis
Senior Manager, Early Learning and Training

Read to Succeed’s Professional Development program covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Practices, including Skills for the Classroom
    and the Workplace
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Instructional Coaching
  • Outdoor Learning, Play and Emergent Curriculum
  • Developmentally Appropriate Academic Best Practices
  • Curriculum and Assessment Specific Training (Frog Street Curriculum, Conscious Discipline
    Curriculum and Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment)

2024 Ignite! Conference

The 2024 Nashville Early Childhood Education Conference “Ignite! Purpose and Intention” will take place from July 23 – 26, 2024. All sessions fall under the umbrella of the United Way of Greater Nashville for TN DHS credit. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal. Check out the virtual sessions below.

7/24/24: Bringing HOPE and Resiliency: Building up Parents through the building blocks of HOPE | Presenters: Ashley Jasinski and Stacey Broyles

To understand the importance of experience in child development, including those ACEs associated with toxic stress, and shifting the focus to positive experiences allows children to form strong relationships and meaningful connections, cultivate positive self-image and self-worth, experience a sense of belonging, and build skills to cope with stress in healthy ways. Same is true for the parents! In this training explore how you can be ‘player of change’ by building resiliency and creating hope, Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE), with the families at your school to ultimately not only build up parents but build rapport and create resiliency for the entire family.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Ashley Jasinski is the Technical Assistance Coordinator for the TDMHSAS’ Regional Intervention Program (RIP), a positive parenting program. Ashley received her B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Childhood Development and Learning. Then went on to complete her Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a dual specialization in both Child Populations and Childhood Abuse and Trauma. Ashley has over 20 years of experience and multiple certifications as a trainer (such as ACEs, HOPE, CARE Model, and Pyramid Model) which she uses to empower families and educate community members.
  • Stacey Broyles is the Technical Assistance Coordinator with the Regional Intervention Program. Stacey received a bachelor’s degree and worked in broadcasting before taking on the rewarding and challenging role of motherhood. In 2009 Stacey was introduced to RIP as she was struggling to manage behaviors of her young son. Upon completion of the program, Stacey became a parent Case Manager and later moved in to Program Coordinator and now TA. Trough her work at RIP she is able to provide peer support to other parents struggling with similar behavior challenges that she had experienced.

7/24/24: Fostering Healthy Development through Early Relational Health | Presenters: Hannah Duiven and Mariah Horton

The future prosperity of Tennessee depends on its ability to foster the health and wellbeing of the next generation. Early Relational Health describes the ability to cultivate and sustain safe, stable, and nurturing relationships during the early childhood years, which contribute to Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). Tennessee is one of few states who have started to collect data on Positive Childhood Experiences; data from our state reveal the important effect of PCEs to promote health and wellbeing across the lifespan. This presentation will review the science of Early Relational Health and the importance of PCEs. We will highlight Tennessee’s most recent data on ACEs and PCEs, and suggest strategies for cross-sector collaboration to promote Early Relational Health.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Hannah Duiven is a passionate advocate for understanding how our childhood experiences shape our opportunity for health across the lifespan. As the Special Projects Manager for the Office of Strategic Initiatives with the Tennessee Department of Health, Hannah coordinates high-priority initiatives to improve health and wellbeing for Tennesseans. Primarily, Hannah serves on projects that address Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma-Informed Care, and the Social Drivers of Health.
  • Mariah Horton has a passion for advancing health equity and educating about Positive Childhood Experiences. She works as the Public Health Executive Fellow at the Office of Strategic Initiatives, creating resources to aid County Health Councils across the state in their Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan process. Mariah received her master’s in public health from the UT Knoxville and her bachelor’s from George Washington University. The Office of Strategic Initiatives serves to bridge TDH resources with local knowledge, priorities, and leadership. We achieve this in 3 ways:
    • We lead the Department of Health’s strategic planning process
    • We provide support to Tennessee’s County Health Councils
    • We foster collaborations to put strategic initiatives into action.

7/24/24: Navigating Excellence - A Comparative Guide to Child Care Accreditation | Presenter: Storm Webb

Ready to get started with accreditation but overwhelmed with all the different accrediting bodies to choose from? Join this session for an in-depth comparative analysis of national accreditation processes and standards. Review and discuss the similarities and differences to discover which accrediting organization best suits your program!  The presentation will be full of resources and handouts to help your evaluation.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters: Storm Webb is the third generation in a family of early childhood educators. As the granddaughter of a successful small business owner, whose early care and education programs have been in operation for 50 years, Storm is pleased to bring her understanding of child care ownership and operations to the field of national accreditation, credentialing and advocacy. Storm has been with NECPA since 2013 and was instrumental in acquiring the NCCA as a subsidiary in 2019. Storm holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, with a concentration in Family Studies. As the Executive Director of NECPA and NCCA, Storm works directly with leadership on strategic planning, resource and project management, and team development to support both organizations’ growth objectives and non-profit missions.

7/24/24: Culturally Responsive Family Engagement Practices in Early Childhood | Presenter: Dr. Ebonyse Mead and Dr. Jen Neitzel

Family engagement in early childhood programs is paramount to the educational success of young children, especially children of diverse cultural, linguistic, and lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Despite good intentions, many early childhood programs continue to struggle to successfully engage culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse families. Many programs attempt to engage diverse families with traditional methods of parental involvement such as parent-teacher conferences or back to school nights. Research shows that traditional methods of parental involvement are often school centered and fail to take into consideration the beliefs, goals, interests, and life circumstances of diverse families. Early childhood programs serve varying types of families across different ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, for this reason, programs must be intentional about effectively engaging culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse families. By including the culture and considering the socioeconomic backgrounds of families when developing family engagement activities and events, families are more likely to engage because they feel welcomed, respected, and valued. Because families are uniquely diverse, both culturally and linguistically, and have varying needs, preferences, and lifestyles, early childhood programs must engage diverse families through intentional and strategic efforts.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Ebonyse Mead is the President of the Educational Equity Institute. For 19 years, Ebonyse has worked in communities to improve the health and educational outcomes for children of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Ebonyse frequently provides consultation training on racial equity in educational settings with a particular focus on examining structural barriers to educational equity, implicit racial bias, and culturally responsive instruction. Dr. Mead earned a Doctor of Education in Early Childhood and a Masters in Human Services from Concordia University Chicago. Dr. Mead completed a Masters in Family Studies from Texas Woman’s University and recently completed a graduate certificate in Anti-racist Urban Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  Ebonyse is the co-author of Building Equitable Learning Programs: A Social Justice Approach and the Handbook of Racial Equity in Early Childhood. Ebonyse is deeply committed to creating brave spaces to talk about structural racism and promote equitable and just programs in early childhood. She can be contacted at
  • Jen Neitzel is the Executive Director of the Educational Equity Institute, which is focused on eliminating the educational and opportunity gaps within communities through systems level change. Prior to this work, Jen was a Research Scientist and Technical Assistance Provider at FPG Child Development Institute at UNC-Chapel Hill for 15 years. During her time at FPG, her work focused on implicit bias; disparities in suspensions and expulsions; trauma; and culturally responsive anti-bias practices. Jen presents frequently at state and national conferences and is widely published in peer-reviewed journals. She also is the author of the book Achieving Equity and Justice in Education through the Work of Systems Change. Jen also is the co-editor and author of the Handbook of Racial Equity in Early Childhood Education. Jen is deeply committed to eradicating the disparities in early childhood through a systems level approach that acknowledges the root causes of the inequities that exist outside of early learning programs, which include food injustice; lack of safe, affordable housing, historical trauma, and lack of access to healthcare (including prenatal). She can be contacted at

7/24/24: Snap, Clap, Wiggle, and Giggle | Presenter: Mary Jo Huff

Light a fire in a child’s imagination with a little snap, clap, wiggle, and giggle.  Get children actively engaged. The shared ideas will help children develop imagination, oral communication skills, auditory discrimination, listening and pre-reading skills, creativity, visual discrimination, critical thinking, and sequencing skills.  Attendees and children will develop a love of books, reading and eventually writing stories.  When a story comes to “THE END,” it should be the beginning of an expanded conversation: a continuation of the storytelling experience.  The workshop will be EDUCATIONAL BRAIN FOOD for everyone.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenter: Mary Jo Huff has been in ECE for over 30 years as a teacher and director of a center with 115 children. Today she visits centers and promotes staff development for literacy. Mary Jo keynotes early childhood conferences at local, state, and national conferences. Mary Jo conducts staff development for childcare providers, Head Start, PreK, and K teachers. She has an innovative and original approach to integrating music, movement, stories, and puppets in the classroom. Mary Jo has stories and music in the Frog Street curriculums. She has written nine resource books, 5 CDs, and an award-winning DVD. This type of learning is supported by research, making it fun and exciting. This “brain-based teaching” promotes accelerated learning and longer retention in a child’s world.  She can be contacted at

7/25/24: Child Care Business: Standards and Best Practices | Presenter: Debbie Dillard

Standards and Best Practices in the BUSINESS of your ECE Program. We will examine the key indicators of a successful program from the lens of your BUSINESS processes.  As ECE Leaders, we all have the potential to enhance our business processes and understand the significance of these steps in maintaining the financial stability of our programs. Let’s embark on this learning journey together!

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Debbie Dillard – My favorite part of belonging to the ECE Community is that although we all bring unique talents, but our passion is unified. For over 30 years, this “Business Degree” human has worked alongside amazing Early Childhood Educators to bring clarity to the BUSINESS side of the industry. My greatest joy is to bring a sense of calm when discussing budget creation/review, developing needs assessments that offer opportunities for growth, and evaluating sustainability/profitability/financial soundness in early learning programs. My service to this industry is my source of pride and joy! The passion to serve young children and families AND be profitable/successful is my call. I aim to keep on answering, for a long time to come! She can be contacted at

7/25/24: The Power of Conversational Turns to Support Preliteracy Skills | Presenter: Amy Marciniak

This interactive session will dive into how early adult-child interactions (conversational turns) leads to the development of the foundational reading skills that ultimately build word recognition and language comprehension.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Amy Marciniak is the Senior Regional Partnerships Director at LENA, a national non-profit for promoting the importance of early talk in birth to children aged five. Amy works with both state and local partners to increase awareness of LENA’s evidence-based research & professional development programs for early educators. Prior to her current role, Amy worked at Teachstone where she served as a trusted strategic advisor for early childhood partners implementing CLASS statewide and regionally across CCR&R networks and Head Start programs. Amy holds a B.S. in Family and Childhood Development from Virginia Tech.  She can be contacted at

7/25/24: Self-Compassion: Caring For Yourself So You Can Care For Others | Presenter: Tracy Liebermann

Our mission is to support all professionals who support the development of children birth-age 8. Studies show that the burnout rate and staff turnover is increasing and the mental health of our early childhood professionals working in the areas of promotion, prevention and intervention for young children is declining. Join us on this journey to encourage, uplift, invigorate and inspire you. We will take a deep dive into self-compassion and the understanding of how it leads to deeper healing and lasting change by looking at the dimensions of wellness and reflecting on how we typically act towards ourselves in difficult times. We will explore how carrying the heavy weight of children’s Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma can be lightened by implementing self-care and self-compassion. We know that you cannot effectively serve others without first caring for yourself so join us so we can help lighten your load.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Tracy Liebermann has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education. Her career began as a third grade teacher for 9 years and for the past 17 years she has directed a Learning center, taught various teacher preparation courses at colleges and universities, served as a CCR&R coach and has been with AIMHiTN since July 2022 where she currently serves at the IECHMC Consultation Coordinator. She is also the President of the Knoxville Association for Children’s Early Education. She can be contacted at  Find out more about Association for Infant Mental Health in Tennessee on their website at

7/25/24: Advocacy 101 | Presenter: Katie Growden

What is advocacy?  Why do we need to do it?  How do I even get started?  Join us to learn the basics to advocate for early childhood education and you!

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Katie Growden is a mom of three and an early childhood educator with over 25 years of experience working with children ages birth through 6 years. Katie moved into advocacy work to raise awareness of issues faced every day by children, families, and the early education workforce. Before joining SCAN’s staff as Tennessee State Manager, Katie served as Public Policy Chair for the Nashville Area Association for the Education of Young Children and as a Volunteer Leader for SCAN’s Middle Tennessee Community Action Team. She and her family have made their home in Middle Tennessee since her husband completed his military career in 1995. When she’s not using her voice for kids, Katie enjoys supporting Nashville Soccer Club, spending time with friends and family, and traveling (especially to see her grandbaby). She can be contacted at

7/25/24: The Garden of Learning: Cultivating Community Partnerships in Early Education | Presenter: Alyssa Dituro

Explore how early childhood educators can cultivate fruitful partnerships with community organizations, businesses, and local resources to enrich learning experiences for young children. From garden-themed activities to plant-based learning, this proposal offers a blooming good time for all involved.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Alyssa Dituro is an esteemed Early Childhood Education Consultant with over 15 years of experience in the field. She holds an endorsement in Infant Mental Health, showcasing her expertise in nurturing young children’s emotional well-being. Alyssa is dedicated to promoting best practices, fostering positive learning environments, and empowering educators and families to support children’s holistic development. Her passion for early childhood education shines through her commitment to excellence and advocacy for children’s well-being. She can be contacted at

7/25/24: Finding Calm in the Chaos | Presenter: Mandy McDermott

Strategies for Protecting Classroom Relationships to Prevent Challenging Behaviors and Increase Educator Social & Emotional wellbeing.

United Way of Greater Nashville is a Pre-Approved Institution with TrainTN. Documentation of attendance and participation should be entered by your TNPAL-verified director in their TrainTN Director Portal.

About the Presenters:

  • Mandy spent 18 years as an Educator, teaching ages 3 through 5th graders, and spent a decade teaching Pre-K. She has always found joy in building connections with the students who struggled most in her class. In her role at Ready. Set. Grow, she is passionate about getting to share strategies and resources that help other teachers connect with their students in meaningful ways that promote positive behavior and build student social emotional wellness. She can be contacted at