“I love being a lunch buddy. Sometimes if I’ve had a bad day, going and spending 45 minutes or an hour with a first- or second-grade student and escaping into their world—whether it’s coloring or playing games, seeing just for a moment what their day is like through their eyes—it really puts what my worries or my problems are into perspective.”
An attorney in a corporate contracts and legal department, Betsy started her blog Goodwill Digger four years ago as a way to introduce her followers to her love of Goodwill and to the world of conscious consumerism. She says she never considered herself particularly stylish but always knew a good deal when she saw one. Betsy wants to encourage people to think critically about how the purchasing decisions we make affects the environment and the economy. When she’s not working and thrifting, she volunteers as a lunch buddy at Buena Vista Enhanced Option Elementary School.

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