Housing Crisis: The Growing Need for Rental Assistance

Housing Crisis: The Growing Need for Rental Assistance

Do you need help with your rent or mortgage payment?Click here to learn about local organizations that could help. Like many workplaces, United Way keeps an eye on keywords and service requests that help our neighbors find our programs and funded partners. We’ve...
Stopping Nashville’s Family Homelessness Crisis

Stopping Nashville’s Family Homelessness Crisis

485 families. As we write, that’s how many families are experiencing homelessness in our community. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, slightly more than 200 families were on the Metro Nashville Coordinated Entry by-name list, the list which is used in our community to...
Q&A with Barbara Siemer – Blog

Q&A with Barbara Siemer – Blog

We heard from Barbara Siemer, co-founder of the Siemer Institute alongside her husband Al, on what it’s like leading the charge to prevent and end family homelessness across the United States. What gave you the idea to start the Siemer Institute? Let’s go back to 2003...