email templates
We make it easy to communicate your workplace’s campaign with colleagues. Below are customizable emails template you can use in your employee campaign. Choose a few that you like best or use them all at a schedule that works for you. Feel free to customize using your workplace’s logo, name and campaign details.
Sample Campaign Emails
- Email 1: Introduction/Teaser
- Email 2: Campaign Kickoff
- Email 3: Importance of Campaign
- Email 4: Give Now
- Email 5: Incentives
- Email 6: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Email 7: Focus on Poverty
- Email 8: Dollar a Week
- Email 9: Update on Campaign Goal
- Email 10: Focus on Education
- Email 11: Engagement Activity
- Email 12: Focus on Communities
- Email 13: How We Work
- Email 14: Focus on Basic Needs
- Email 15: Last Chance
Email Tips
Click on the email you would like to customize. It will open in a new browser window.
On a PC: Simultaneously click Control + A. Then Control + C. This will copy the template. Then paste in the body of an email by simultaneously clicking Control + V. From this email, you can include your company’s information.
On a Mac: Simultaneously click Command + A. Then Command + C. This will copy the template. Then paste in the body of an email by simultaneously clicking Command + V. From this email, you can include your company’s information.
For questions, contact your Account Manager. Click here if you prefer to access copy-only versions of the email templates.