email templates

We make it easy to communicate your workplace’s campaign with colleagues. Below are customizable emails template you can use in your employee campaign. Choose a few that you like best or use them all at a schedule that works for you. Feel free to customize using your workplace’s logo, name and campaign details.

Email Tips

Click on the email you would like to customize. It will open in a new browser window.

On a PC: Simultaneously click Control + A. Then Control + C. This will copy the template. Then paste in the body of an email by simultaneously clicking Control + V. From this email, you can include your company’s information.

On a Mac: Simultaneously click Command + A. Then Command + C. This will copy the template. Then paste in the body of an email by simultaneously clicking Command + V. From this email, you can include your company’s information.

For questions, contact your Account Manager. Click here if you prefer to access copy-only versions of the email templates.